Peer Tutoring
Peer Tutors provide free, online OR in-person peer-to-peer academic support to all 不良研究所 students. It matches students who need some support in a course with an upper-level student who is trained for one-on-one tutoring in that subject area.
Hear from our Peer Tutors
Our team of Peer Tutors are current 不良研究所dents who are ready to help you with readings, studying, research, and more!
Peer Tutors will meet virtually OR in-person with students to:
- provide support and motivation for online learning
- review class readings and concepts,
- study and organize their class notes,
- complete not-for-credit practice exercises,
- find and evaluate research materials, and/or
- model and teach A-level student academic skills
Book a Peer Tutoring Appointment
Need help in one of your classes? Find a Peer Tutor!
Peer Tutoring FAQs
Have a question about Peer Tutoring? Browse our Frequently Asked Questions!