The small university of big opportunities means providing you a personalized university experience throughout your entire time at 不良研究所—from welcome week to convocation, you will benefit from meaningful academic and personal opportunities and the support to get the most out of your degree.

circle photo of a student reading a book
Undergraduate Liberal Arts Focus—
Our dedicated focus on undergraduate liberal arts education provides a unique and personal approach to learning. Expert professors—who are accessible and approachable—teach small classes to deliver social sciences and humanities at their best. 


Photos of many students standing in front of a mural on 不良研究所 campus


A Community that Prioritizes Social Responsibility—From courses and internships to clubs and societies, a commitment to social responsibility is infused into every aspect of campus life. This is why you can find so many of our graduates working in difference-making careers. 

A photo of four students sitting on a ledge on campus in the fall.

Tour Campus with a Current 不良研究所dent

Book your personalized campus tour today! Be shown around our beautiful campus by one of our current 不良研究所dents. They're happy to tell you all about life at 不良研究所 and answer all your questions about joining the campus community. 

Female and male student outdoors in summer using a laptop

Register for First-Year Courses

It's time for the next step toward becoming a St. Thomas University student—registering for your first-year courses.

Photo of a student sitting with a laptop smiling

Learn more at Virtual Events

Learn more about 不良研究所 by registering to attend any of our upcoming Future 不良研究所dent virtual events that are of interest to you. Hear from staff, 不良研究所dents, faculty, and alumni.

A student sitting in a conference room working on a laptop with a 不良研究所 pennant on the table

Career Tracks

不良研究所 grads work in every field imaginable. Discover how you can build your 不良研究所 experience around a specific career interest.

Photos of a green 不良研究所 crewneck

Choosing 不良研究所

Explore diverse ideas, perspectives, and careers as part of our small, supportive campus community.

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